Joji Unleashes a Must-Watch Music Video for "Window" Packed With Action

Joji is truly a multitalented artist who never fails to switch things up, take risks, and fully unravel his creative brain in various forms to fans and listeners alike. We've enjoyed watching the once YouTube famous "Filthy Frank" reveal his many layers and pour out the sonic brilliance of his emotional R&B side under the moniker, Joji. Now the deeply talented Japanese-Australian singer/songwriter has taken "Windows" from his In Tongues EP and enhanced it with a visual accompaniment worth giving a few run-throughs.


After his "Demons" music video, we were pretty much sold that Joji was on to something great. We even asked for an encore and, though we aren't sure he heard us, our wishes were granted. While "Demons" took on a more artistic, movement-oriented approach, this BRTHR-directed music video comes action-packed with a cinematic edge. What starts out as a silent phone call between Joji (drenched with water pouring over him) and a girl (standing amidst a busy street) quickly turns into a whirlwind of transformations for Joji and one-on-one fights for the girl on the other line. Press play in the jump above to watch it all go down.

Words: Vanessa Feder
