Watch Ian Strange Take us on a Tour Around his Large-Scale 'Suburban Interventions'


The work of Australian-born artist Ian Strange has captivated many from its ability of artistically showcasing a very specific subject at such a grand scale. Often referred to as Suburban Interventions, what Strange does is delve into the lifestyle ad culture of suburbia, with Strange himself having been raised in the suburbs, by completely disrupting your quintessential home. The results are nothing shy of incredible, with entire houses turned completely into jarring works of art–a startling contrast to the house's original peaceful environment. While we've featured the work of Ian Strange before on Unrated, we now have a inside scoop on how Strange works with such formidable canvases.

Done for media platform NOWNESS, the video sees Strange himself take us the viewer around on the tour, all the while narrating the meaning, messages, approach and process he takes with this work. The video does a great job at giving us a lot of interesting insight straight from the horse's mouth; insight into the artist's mind that we otherwise would never really come to understand. The video also sets things up for Strange's upcoming new exhibition entitled Island, which is set to showcase in New York City on December 18.

Words: Alexander Lendrum
