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Juno Calypso Visits Bubble Gum Pink War Bunker for Latest Photo Series

Those familiar with the work of London-based photographer Juno Calypso recognize the artist for her impeccably crafted self-portraiture disguised as “Joyce.” (For those of you who haven't heard of the multi-talented shooter, let this be a beautiful introduction to her iconic surreal imagery.) Typically shot in remote locations drenched in pink, Calypso captures images of herself in solitude while dressed in a variety of costumes, wigs and makeup to create a totally strange-yet-alluring final image. Most recently, the talented photo artist took up a bubble gum pink war bunker in Nevada as the perfect outlandish backdrop for her stylized imagery.

The underground house used for Calypso’s recent What to Do With A Million Years series was actually a unit built by Avon cosmetics founder Gerry Anderson in the 1960s. Unlike what you'd typically imagine the protective space to be, the war bunker is similar to a cotton candy getaway; made complete with a pink and white interior, gold accents, a bathtub, pool and computerized lighting system that imitates the daytime, sunset, dusk and night. Get a glimpse of the shooter’s one-on-one time in the conserved location by browsing the photos above and below, then take a visit to the TJ Boulting Gallery in London between today and June 23rd to see the series in full.

Words: Vanessa Feder
Photography: Juno Calypso