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Catch Felipe Pantone's Mesmerizing Displays at Upcoming Brussels Solo Show

Some people recognize their calling from young, while others discover their passions much later, constantly reformulating their next steps in life. Felipe Pantone falls under the former description; beginning his graffiti career at age 12 and never looking back since. Taking note of the ever-changing world around him, Pantone has stayed current with the times through his futuristic pieces and explosive mixed-medium works of art representative of the generational information overload. After receiving a degree in Fine Art and setting up his own studio in Valencia, Pantone extended his artistic reach beyond his home both in public and private spheres. 

Now known internationally for his mesmerizing displays and kaleidoscopic visual visions of the world, the Argentinian-Spanish street artist travels far and wide with his magnificent geometric works. The next stop for the prolific artist? Brussels. Catch Pantone’s seemingly 3D masterpieces at his upcoming solo show at Belgian art house ALICE Gallery between May 24 and June 30, 2018.

Words: Vanessa Feder