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David Brandon Geeting's Weed Imagery Gives You A Visual High

After peering though the latest campaign visuals for Los Angeles-based cannabis brand Pure Beauty, it's safe to say I have never seen a nugg so dreamy (unless, by chance, I was really, really high). The mastermind behind this euphoric, weed-centric imagery is no other than Brooklyn-based photographer, David Brandon Geeting. Known for his clever still life captures and even the cover of Brian's (formerly known as Rich Chigga) new "See Me" track, Geeting is embracing the newly legalized marijuana laws of California and taking his viewers with him.

Perhaps the most alluring aspect of the following product photography is how divine the cannabis actually looks. Saturated with bright hues, covered in obscure clouds of smoke, and enhanced by natural elements such as water and fire, the marijuana pictured above and below looks practically otherworldly. Unlike the more forbidden rhetoric surrounding weed or even the "cool" label it receives, Geeting has managed to make the dried plant look both luxurious and mysterious. The image-taker exposed to It's Nice That that the aim was to "create imagery that looks cool when you’re high," and he may have been doing so to capture it's essence. Needless to say, the result is dope.

Words: Vanessa Feder
Photography: David Brandon