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Watch the Full Film About NYC's Ralph Lauren Thieves: The Lo Lifes

Just in time for New York Fashion Week, Kiwi photographer and director Tom Gould just unveiled his Bury Me With The Lo On short film highlighting Brooklyn's trendsetting group, the Lo Lifes. In collaboration with the crew's founder Thirstin Howl the 3rd, Gould compiled interview footage, photographs and authentic voiceovers of the gang-members-turned-fashionistas. While we have dubbed the stylish NYC squad as one of the "best dressed streetwear collectives in the '80s" and commended the filmmaker for his visual expertise, this eight minute documentary goes beyond our previous praises to stress the undeniable impact that the luxury brand pioneers from the hood brought to the world.

Polos were typically advertised as suitable for the wealthy, preppy, golf-playing, white elite. But in the eyes of the Lo Lifes, Ralph Lauren was a poppin' brand symbolic of respect and notable social status. By using robbery as a means of survival, the crew would steal entire outfits worth of Polo garments and soon became notorious for their impeccable steez. (In hindsight, they were a subculture putting the brand on the map and introducing Mr. Lauren's corporation to urban youth culture worldwide.) Whether strolling the streets or riding the train, the Lo Lifes enjoyed most of the reactions and head turning they would receive for their fly attire... except for glances of envy. The high fashion crew often had to dodge other gangs or people trying to cop their shit. This often led to fights and shootings, leaving several Lo Life members left to be buried with their "Lo" on. If you want to get a glimpse of what "Fight Club meets the runway" would look like, take some notes from the Lo Lifes in the jump above.

Words: Vanessa Feder